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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hope Town

Hope Town was founded in 1785 by Loyalist escaping the American Revolution, and their descendants continue to make this village a great attraction.

The Loyalist descendants continue to welcome boat people, making cruisers feel welcome.

The main part of the village is close off to vehicular traffic except for golf carts and bicycles, so our fold-ups were perfect.

It’s a good thing that normal vehicles are prohibited, because many of the “streets” are more like wide sidewalks.

We spent a couple of outings cruising the streets looking at the brightly painted cottages.

And, the island landscaping was spectacular.

We kept looking until Pollie found her Victorian dream home.

Outside of the village, they had the obligatory sign post.  Pollie was impressed that the second from the top, “Lake Tahoe, 1610 miles.”

Every once in a while, you need a break from the cruiser lifestyle, so we checked ourselves in to the Hope Town Harbour Lodge (http://www.hopetownlodge.com/).  If you buy lunch, they let you use the beach and their pool.

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