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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"The gift that keeps on giving"

While in St Augustine, we visited the Dow Museum of Historic Homes.  Seems Kenneth Dow, and his wife Mary spent their life and inherited fortune traveling and acquiring artifacts.  In St. Augustine he bought several house and had others moved in to create a little compound to store his finds.  After touring the homes, Pollie asked the curator, "where is the really good stuff."  We were directed to The Museum of Arts and Science in Daytona Beach.

We were not disappointed, Mr. and Mrs. Dow had put together an incredible large and diverse collection.
Additionally, the museum housed a collection from the Root family that made their fortune from inventing and producing the Coke bottle.
We also enjoyed a Cuban exhibit.
One of the homes in St Augustine had been inhabited by a nephew of Napoleon.  This inspired Mr. Dow to go to France and buy all the Napoleonic artifacts he could lay his hands on.  Many of the documents and artifacts from his collection are still in boxes waiting to be opened and cataloged, thus the statement from the curator, "we call the Dow bequeath the gift the keeps on giving."


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