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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Georgetown, SC

Paper Mill in Background

Our guide book describes Georgetown as, ...small-town, quiet facade, coupled with surrounding natural beauty, belies the historic and economic significance of the area."  The Waccamaw River leading to Georgetown is described as the most beautiful section of the ICW.  "It is an area of swamps, marshes, endless deep creeks and dense forests."  Both descriptions are correct.  We were quite taken by Georgetown.  The main street commercial area is stately, while the back side wharf area is nicely shabby chic. 
While enjoying the ride down the Waccamaw River we met these tug delivering dredging pipe to Morehead City.
On the VHF radio, they were not shy about stating their intention of taking their half of the waterway out of the middle.

There are little hints that are we getting into the South.  We are the ones with the accents, and the term redneck is no longer derogatory.

This guy is using power tools!

I have been getting several inquiries about Serenity's performance. Mechanically, she is doing great.  Previously we averaged 1.7 gallons per hour fuel burn.  On the first fill up in Beaufort, NC we averaged 1.2 gallons per hour.  I think the prop tune and and the slick bottom receive the credit.  We did have the sails up in the Chesapeake and Albemarle Sound, but down the "ditch" it has been motoring.  Considering that we added numerous new systems, the teething has not been too bad.  The unit that should convert analog engine information to NEMA 2000 has been disconnected because it was interfering with the analog gauges (working with the manufacturer).  As previously mentioned our much beloved WiFi enhancer went south and was replaced with a new one.  Just received news that the old one has been repaired and shipped (will become a backup).  The AIS unit was just given last rites and I will be contacting the manufacturer tomorrow for warranty.  The new electric toilet and other systems are performing flawlessly, especially the new Raymarine navigational systems.

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